
Tuesday 5 July 2011

Vegetable Diet for Autumn

Vegetable diet – not for the weak and weak-willed.
In the vegetable diet limited number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And despite this, the body gets the necessary number of substances for normal body function. That is why on a vegetable diet can sit up to 1 month.
Menu vegetable diet consists mainly of various fresh vegetables and herbs: carrots, zucchini, green beans, cabbage, cucumbers, sweet peppers, lettuce, pumpkin, potatoes – no more than 2-3 boiled potatoes a day and green parsley. Do not eat less than 1200 cal per day.
Vegetable Diet for Autumn
1 day – morning, black tea with dried apricots, afternoon soup, boiled potatoes, tomato salad with beets and herbal teas; at noon banana and green tea, evening salad from fresh vegetables and mineral water;
2 day – morning, an apple and black tea, afternoon soup, boiled potatoes, salad, herbal tea and fruit, at noon banana, green tea or mineral water in the evening salad and cranberry or cranberry juice or cranberry herbal tea from leaf;
Day 3 – morning, green tea with dried apricots or raisins, beetroot soup, salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh herbs, radishes and green or herbal tea with figs; at noon compote and fruit in the evening, fresh cabbage salad in any quantity and compote
4 day – morning, green tea and some fresh fruit, broth from the soup, salad of fresh vegetables and mineral water at noon compote, raw carrots in the evening and cranberry or cranberry juice or cranberry herbal tea from leaf;
5 day – morning, green tea; day salad of fresh vegetables, herbal tea and orange; at noon and half an apple compote; evening, fresh cabbage salad and mineral water;
6 day – morning, green tea and some fresh fruit, soup, salad of fresh greens and vegetables and mineral water at noon compote; night raw uncooked vegetables and herbal tea;
7 day – every morning tea with dried fruit, afternoon soup, boiled potatoes, vegetable salad, green tea and fruit compote or afternoon tea with dried fruit, salad vegetables in the evening, tea or stewed fruit, any fruit and dried fruits.
Exit vegetable diet: in the first days after the end of the vegetable diet menu remains the same, but add protein of vegetable origin, for example, legumes, soy. Then – add the protein of animal origin – cottage cheese. Then add oatmeal and meat.
Vegetable diet is useful because:
1. Vegetables are rich in vitamins: A, B, C, PP, R, E.
2. In vegetables contain high levels of micronutrients such as calcium, potassium, iron.
3. Vegetables rich in beneficial enzymes, organic acids, carbohydrates, which give a small boost of energy.

Best Ways To Lose Weight

What is the Best Ways To Lose Weight? There are many ways to lose weight. There are simple ways, but there is not much. You can sit on a diet. You can starve. You can take pills for weight loss, like Lida, or Phentermine. But the weight still comes back to the old mark, and sometimes even become larger after taking the pills or compliance with weight loss diet. What to do?
Diets. One of the most popular ways to lose weight. Glossy magazines are full right diet – apple, meat, and so on. But most often it is injurious to health – the body can not get enough proteins, fats and vitamins. Needs of the organism affect your cravings for food, just have to not confuse hunger and desire to chew something.
Pills. Most of them contain medications fenfluramine, phentermine and other stimulants. They muffle feelings of hunger and the body begins to take nutrients from their own cells, may cause problems with the kidneys and liver, digestive tract. In general, the easiest way to lose weight – without the cost of any force.
Gym. Experienced specialists can help you show which muscles and how it should develop. The main thing is not to throw in the first week – sore muscles, moreover, increases the appetite – the body need to recover the costs of energy, so that the first weight can fluctuate sharply by 1-2 kg during the day. Throw deal at first is not recommended – increased appetite remains, and the load is no more.
Running. The most difficult way. But one of the most effective – no monetary cost – you can run in the morning before work, or in the evening, sometimes even with the dog. Probably next to your house is a park, stadium, race tracks, or just a school with a playground.
Swimming – probably the best exercise. Develops strength and endurance, promotes weight loss, strengthens all muscle groups, hardens the body. Swim 3-4 times a week for 30-40 minutes, and the results will not keep you wait.
It is best to combine these methods to your own taste, but considering the advice of your doctor. Even if this result holds for a long time, each has its own particular organism and, consequently, different ways to lose weight.

Watermelon diet

Watermelon diet convenient. First, the summer watermelons are sold at every step.
Secondly, the watermelon diet – one of the simplest in implementation. It is necessary to strictly follow one rule: eat watermelons and nothing more.
Watermelon diet, as most mono-diet, you should not continue more than 5 days and 10 days
1. Almost complete cleansing of the body
2. Deduces slags and toxins
3. Watermelon diet – nourishing diet. The feeling of hunger little occurs.
1. The toilet will have to run very often.
2. If you have lowered acidity, watermelon diet can cause stomach pains.
3. If you have kidney stones or you are a diabetic, you watermelon diet is not suitable.
After the diet will not prevent another week or two to involve actively in the diet watermelons. Sample menu for this period may be so. At breakfast – oatmeal and a little cheese. At lunch – fish, meat or poultry with a salad without fat. At dinner – a watermelon at a cost of 1 kg of pulp at 30 kg own weight. By following this diet, you can lose up to 8 kg of excess weight.

What is a Protein Diet

What is a Protein Diet? The wide popularity of diets with high protein content because they help control hunger. With the assimilation of protein brain receives a signals that hunger has become smaller. Another advantage of the protein in that it increases your metabolism at rest, maintaining muscle mass. With age and without exercise reduced muscle mass, so the maintenance of physical fitness is important for burning fat and maintain a high level of metabolism. The protein also contributes to a much slower rise and fall of blood sugar and insulin in the blood, so you can avoid “sugar shock”, which is known to promote a direct rise of fat.

Sources of protein are all dairy products, meat, eggs, fish, and among plant soybeans, nuts and legumes. Minimum 1 gramm consumption per kilogram of body weight. Calculate your rate is not difficult. But without movement and control of total energy intake did not expect a large effect. And about gastritis, follow the advice of your doctor and do not include just the diet is not recommended products.
Scheme and selection of food products in the diet is reduced to two phases: weight loss and maintaining it at the level attained.
The protein Atkins diet has long been considered controversial. The main argument is the assumption that the restriction of carbohydrates can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system, brittle bones and kidney problems.
Varieties protein diet
According to the American Heart Association and the National Institutes of Health, on average, adults need 50-60 grams of protein per day. Therefore, ideally, “protein” calories should be 12 – 15% of daily calorie intake. Excess protein is a conditional rule can lead to increased levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and clogged arteries. Protein diet in combination with the consumption of the calculated amount of carbohydrates and fat means a balanced diet. Here are several varieties of protein diets:
* A diet high in protein, fat and middle-carbohydrate, close to the Atkins diet.
* A diet high in protein, low-fat and medium carbohydrate, so-called Zonal diet.
Typically, the menu protein diet similar to the following:
Breakfast (always the same). It takes 10-15 minutes before a meal – a glass of water at room temperature. Then: coffee with milk 0,5% fat. You can replace a glass of tea. To improve the taste or fructose sweetener use in small quantities. 1 curds 0% fat yogurt, or any, up to 80 kcal per 100 g. After some time, having experienced the feeling of hunger, drink a glass or two of green tea with mint. After 3 hours after breakfast, eat an apple or pear, or orange, or 5 plum. Lunch after 2 hours.
Dinner. 10 minutes before a meal – a glass of water at room temperature. Then select from the following:
Soup (2 small ladles) with two thin slices of black or coarse grinding grain salad 2 tomatoes, tea, three dried fruit, tangerine.
Dinner. Do not forget a glass of water at room temperature. Then choose any of the options:
Salad: 100g squid rings of preserves + chopped egg + 2 tbsp. l. corn, season with lemon juice, olive oil and squeeze the garlic or onions there. 0,5 packaging frozen shrimp – cooked without salt with a bay leaf, – wild rice, as in lunch.

Slimming after Pregnancy

Slimming after Pregnancy. The first thing that draws attention to a woman after childbirth – it’s her figure. The woman throws off up to 6 kilograms of his weight, as soon give birth to a child, but 3 pounds of fat gained during pregnancy, remains.
Often, many women begin to gain weight rapidly after birth. This is due to changes in the number of hormones and nutrition. The most important thing – proper nutrition and daily exercise.
Sit down immediately after giving birth to the very strict diet can not in any case! You are breastfeeding, and all the most useful substances are transmitted to your child through breast milk.
While you are breastfeeding, watch your diet. Try to eat as often as possible. Namely, four – six times a day. The ration your food must include dairy products. Milk, yogurt, yogurt drink up to 0.5 liters per day. Do not forget cheese. Meat and vegetables are needed for the vital force, both you and your child. Eggs and butter should also be included in your daily ration of food.
If during pregnancy you take vitamins – take them further. Drink plenty of fluids, two to three liters a day. The ideal situation would be liquid foods (soups).
Do not eat products such as: honey, citrus fruits, canned products, various pickles and chocolate. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke.

What to Drink, to be Beautiful and Healthy

What to Drink, to be Beautiful and Healthy. What drinks are the most useful. Pomegranate juice, dry red wine, grape juice, fruit Acai, blueberry juice, juicy cherry, orange juice, tea and more.
1. Pomegranate juice. Contains large amounts of vitamins A, C, E, and trace elements – zinc, selenium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium. Very helpful for the cardiovascular system, it is recommended for hypertension, anemia. Constraints – peptic ulcer and hyperacidity.
2. Red wine. Studies have long shown that dry red wine – an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. There is information about the preventive effect on the development of various tumors. Doctors recommend daily half glass at dinner, but not more than 150 grams.
3. Grape juice. It – B-vitamins are useful for hair and nails, ascorbic acid. Also, grape juice helps to maintain a strong memory and supports skin elasticity.
4. Acai Juice. This Brazilian berry contains special plant pigments, moisturizing the skin and prevent its aging. In the Acai fruit is also a lot of fatty acids necessary for normal functioning of the brain and nervous system.
5. Blueberry juice. The people commonly known as Bilberry berry, strengthens eyesight. But that’s not all: blueberries protect against diabetes, prevents gum disease, has a powerful rejuvenating effect.
6. Juicy cherry. Contains vitamin A, iron and vitamin C. It also reduces the risk of many cancers, prevent the emergence of diseases of the urinary tract, helps preserve memory in adulthood.
7. Cranberry juice. In addition to the antipyretic effect, removes from the body toxins, improves the activity of the brain and relieves fatigue. Is also a strong diuretic, without washing out from the body he needs potassium.
8. Orange juice. Excellent tool for the prevention of colds and flu. Also reduces fatigue, boosts brain function and strengthens blood vessels. Useful for hypertension and atherosclerosis. But not suitable for high acidity.
9. Tea. Not only tones but also struggling with heart disease and various infections. The main thing is not sort of tea, but its authenticity and proper fresh tea leaves.
10. Apple juice. Useful for atherosclerosis, liver, bladder and kidneys. Normalizes the bowels, removes toxins from the body and quickly restore power.

How to Choose Your Method for Losing Weight

Weight loss targets and methods are strongly individual. Most of the obese people need to combine different methods for weight loss, in order to achieve success. It won’t be easy. The most important thing is not to lose faith in own motivation for weight loss.
It is however important to know, that the more pounds you need to lose, the faster you lose them in the beginning. Depending on the BMI index, for many patients with obesity traditional calorie controlled diets combined with some weight loss supplement and a healthy exercise program are the recommended approach, whereas people with only a mild overweight could cope only with a healthy eating plan.
Lifestyle is extremely important in the weight loss process. Many of the people, who suffer overweight are in this situation due to stress in everyday life, and as a result they have healthy eating habits, unhealthy diets, they are skipping meals, and they lack physical activity. Then it is not surprising at all, that obesity is becoming a fast growing epidemy of our lifetime. How many people among us can say “yea, I can go to the gym for an hour, and then prepare a healthy meal” – very few.
Here is the moment to consider the usage of weight loss supplements. They are becoming more and more enhanced in the last years, the side effects are very few and in many cases non at all, and most of all, they do the very important work of reducing calories intake, or burning fat, or binding it before it has been absorbed in your body – this is otherwise achieved only with a good, balanced diet and special meals, that many of us unfortunately may not be able to cook themselves due to lack of time.

Acai Berries and Weight Loss

Acai Berry grows in Brazil, directly along the banks of the Amazon. Due to its nutritional effect, it has won worldwide popularity. Berries grow on a palm tree. Acai berries are not sold in its original form because of the very limited shelf life. Acai Berry is added to various beverages: juices, cocktails, etc., and also sold in capsules as a food additive.
Acai berry weight loss will not guarantee you shifting 20 pounds in a week, which would be unhealthy and near to impossible.В  Acai Berry effectively helps to fight obesity.
The product will help your body get rid of extra pounds, as well as dead cells and toxins. He has already proved its effectiveness as a means of struggle against excess weight. It is absolutely harmless and has excellent cleaning effect.

How do Acai Berries Help to Lose Weight?

Boosts Your Energy – After a long busy day at work, the fruit can provide that much needed energy boost to enjoy your evening. They give you the energy boost you need to get through the day and to be active to burn those calories. Acai Berries keep you strong all day long.
All Natural – One of the key differences between Acai Balance and other weight loss products is in the ingredients. Unlike other weight loss products, Acai Berry supplements aren’t overloaded with harmful ingredients you can’t even pronounce.
Eliminates Toxins – Perhaps the best way Acai Berries jump start your weight loss is by detoxifying your body.

Diet based on sauerkraut

One version of the diet – a diet of sauerkraut. This diet is much softer, lasts 4 days and includes a full three meals a day.
Day 1
  • Breakfast: 175 g fat-free cottage cheese with watercress salad, a slice of bread of coarse flour.
  • Lunch: 200 g sauerkraut, 100 g of roast pork, pear (all put out).
  • Dinner: Salad 150 grams of sauerkraut, 4 radishes, 1 / 2 white radishes and 1 / 2 cucumber. Sauce – 75 grams of yogurt with 1 teaspoon of chopped nuts.
Day 2
  • Breakfast: banana, 150 g fat-free yogurt, sprinkle 1 tablespoon of oatmeal.
  • Lunch: soup 200 g sauerkraut (pour 100 ml of broth (from cubes) and 50 ml of apple juice for 5 minutes until it is ready to put in the soup, 2 chopped sweet peppers).
  • Dinner: salad with 200 grams of sauerkraut with 150 grams of salmon (fry in a pan, sprinkle with lemon juice and salt).
3rd day
  • Breakfast: salad of orange with 150 grams of cottage cheese (sprinkle with sunflower seeds).
  • Lunch: 150 g fried pollack with 150 grams of sauerkraut.
  • Dinner: potato pancakes (3 potatoes) with a salad – 4 grapes and 100 grams of sauerkraut.
Day 4
  • Breakfast: bread of coarse flour and bran, Gouda cheese (30 grams) and a few cloves of apples.
  • Lunch: 200 g beef fillet (fried) with 150 grams of sauerkraut and pineapple – all put out.
  • Dinner: salad of 3 tomatoes, 100 grams of sauerkraut and 125 grams of pork cuts.
Reset with this cabbage diet can be no more than 3 kg, but it is much more useful than the classic cabbage diet.

9 Day Diet

The 9 day diet it is a very effective diet, which does not limit the amount of consumed foods, but need to eat in moderation. With 9 day diet you can quickly lose weight for 6-8 kg.
9 day diet has three phases, each of which lasts three days. During each phase need to eat only one product and this is the main principle of this diet. Need to drink in any quantity only non-carbonated mineral water and various herbal teas without sugar.

9 day diet plan

First phase
Day 1, 2: boiled chicken without skin and fat tissue in unlimited quantities.
Day 3: boiled fish in unlimited quantities.
Second phase
Day 4: apples in unlimited quantities.
Day 5: oranges in unlimited quantities.
Day 6: grapefruit in unlimited quantities.
Third phase
Day 7: low-fat cheese, dry wine (red) in unlimited quantities.
Day 8: low-fat cottage cheese, dry wine (red) in an unlimited number.
Day 9: grapefruit, dry wine (red) in unlimited quantities.
The disadvantage of such nutrition is that is required to withstand some serious food restrictions.
Eat sweets and salt during the diet is prohibited. Follow the internal feelings of the body, because health is important. Take vitamin complexes during the diet. 9 day diet is unbalanced, so before you sit down at her, you should consult with your doctor or dietitian.

Monday 4 July 2011

Latest about Father of Fashion Design; Christian Dior

Christian Dior is one of the pioneers of modern era elite fashion who started off in 1930’s and gave some of the finest designs that became a jewelry for the world’s top class fashion houses to display.
Today, Christian Dior caters to the fashion needs of all ages through its collections for women, men and babies by baby Dior. The exquisite clothing lines, accessories, perfumes, makeup, timepieces and even Dior phones are loved by thousands globally.
Currently, from the house of Dior we see many latest trends that are being loved by many and people are just going crazy to grab the Dior pieces. Here’s a look at something new yet something timeless and classy that are must haves for all the Christian Dior lovers.

Time Pieces

Dior Christal “8” is surely going to take your breath away. It pure black leather strap and exquisite dial is just spell-binding. The beauty of this Dior watch lays its tiny middle dial within the main dial which gives timings of all the important hubs of the world like Paris, Tokyo etc.
The Mini D De Dior is another timeless classic piece created by the house of Dior. The black strap with a heavily embedded dial studded with gold diamantes’ is a must have to tickle your fancy and make you feel special by wearing Christian Dior.
Chiffre Rouge A03 by Christian Dior is another spell binding beauty for your wrist. It has a Swiss made dial and its simplicity and solid black color with silver edgings make it stand apart for a modern day manly look.
You can also find different designs and looks further in these three categories which you will love instantly. Dior has a history of creating classic looks with highest quality. Therefore, you can safely opt for any Dior look in these watches.

Inspiration Dior

This is the newest collection by Dior for summer 2011 and this Dior collection was launched in Moscow in April 2011. It is for all those elegant ladies who mirror femininity by teaming it up with the artistic elements of the classic artists like Picasso and reveal it with their original beauty from the inside. This collection by Dior is a true celebration of art with femininity. Through this collection, Dior has actually completed every detail that a woman seeks for when dressing up. The perfumes, the dresses, the fine jewelry pieces and a lot more are just created to perfection by Christian Dior to match all kinds of dressing up needs of a woman today.
Therefore, just take a sneak peek into these latest trends and collections by Christian Dior and look put for the best ones for you to stand apart from other. Dior’s quality, class and timelessness are surely worth applauding.

Golden Globe Celebrity Fashion 2011

Celebrity Fashion beginning from Olivia Wilde, whose strapless princess Marchesa made statement. Michelle Williams looked stunning and proud in Valentino gown, blooming with daisies. Classic black gown by Zac Posen worn by Eva Longorio also made headlines as it was studded with a fitted bodice, fluid train and two diamond birds on her belted waist.
Angelina Jolie in celebrity fashion 2011 seemed to be totally inspired by green as her floor length, long sleeved Versace gown made her look all green. Once again celebrity fashion for women took Catherine Zeta-Jones’s stunning emerald green strapless gown by Monique Lhuillier created fashion storm.
Young and talented Elisabeth Moss, Anne Hathaway simply looked amazing and stunning too in the list of celebrity fashion 2011. Natalie Portman’s stepped on the red carpet with Viktor & Rolf dress and revealed much of her ‘mother to be’ state.
The night revealed celebrity fashion for celebrity fashion 2011 with a promise of many more to come… However, Golden Globes celebrity fashion lesson for this year was: Be yourself.

Fashion Highlights: Latest Dubai Fashion Week News

Saturday, 23 April 2011 Let’s glance at the latest fashion highlights about DFW FW 11. Latest news about fashion designers and their creations showcased at Dubai Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2011.
Latest FW 2011 Collections from runway shows at Dubai Fashion Week.
Final Day of DFW FW11 kicks off with Surbhi Jaggi Abbayas & At a Glance
Surbhi Jaggi
Surbhi Jaggi, former winner of DFW’s Emerging Talent, showcased her line of abayas and started off the last day of Dubai Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2011. The ‘Maharani Collection’ fused Indian cuts and silhouettes into the abaya through touches such as Mughal detailing on the bust and a sari-inspired abaya featuring an over the shoulder sash in sequinned black. Wraparound abayas with pink brocades and abayas with multihued cowl necks paired with chunky gold earrings and waist chains, were some of the highlights.
At A Glance
A-line dresses in white with black and green back paneling were showcased on the runway, as designer duo Lamees and Eman Al Hajri, presented creations from their label ‘At A Glance’.

Sheer shirts were paired with foliage-inspired sequined harem pants and bubble skirts in solid colors. Strong shoulders in leather were alternated with fluffy fur sleeve detailing. Fabrics were combined in innovative ways including an outfit with an uneven white fur panel over a leather dress with a lace collar. A bridal outfit of plissé fabric and bunched tulle layers brought the show to a close. The outfits were complemented with jewellery by Sharmela Puri.
Grand chunk of Abbaya fashion on Day 4 comes from Marayem Abbayas and Slouchy’Z
Marayem Abbayas/Slouchy’Z
The grand chunk of abaya fashion for Day 4 of Dubai Fashion Week came from local labels Marayem Abbayas and Slouchy’Z.
Marayem Abbayas’ creations were infused with ample layering and ruffles. Tiered fabric around necklines gave outfits the illusion of deep necks while retaining the abaya’s modest silhouette. Shimmering fabrics were used as whole sleeves, draped jackets and also in the form of an oversize bow attach on the shoulder.  The showstopper was a caped abaya made entirely of sequinned black and gold horizontal bands. Other highlights included batwing-sleeved abayas with lowered waists that were adorned with sequins across the bust and along the hip.
The Slouchy’Z collection from designer Maryam Selaich used patchworks of textiles, putting a spin on the conventional crepe abaya. With the black abaya at its core, the outfits in silks and chiffon were inter spaced with patterned fabric.
Jacket abayas over colored gowns were alternated with colored jackets over ankle-length solid black gowns. Glamorous evening gowns in mustard and turquoise were held up with elaborate belts and multi-hued bows. The creations were complemented by accessories from Abu Dhabi-based  Amwaj Jewellery. The show closed with a wedding gown featuring wide-tiered cloth detailing and a knotted veil along the side.
Uma Ghosh Deshpandey and Geeta Basra walk the ramp for EL DESEO by Fatma Al Majid
El Deseo
For the second time at Dubai Fashion Week, Fatma Mehdi Al Majid dazzled audiences with her 38- piece collection from her label ‘El Deseo’.
Working primarily with pure chiffons and silks, the embellishments on all the outfits were hand-worked.
TV personality Uma Ghosh-Desphande wore the show opener – a short wine gown, artistically wrapped with a crystal-dusted sash.
The collection also included nine abayas with wide sleeves, lace busts and bands of fabric running down the sleeves. An abaya with concentric circle detailing on the bust-line and voluminous sleeves and abayas with flowing capes, brought about touches of glamor to the traditional Arabic silhouette.
Twisted straps held up outfits with thick folded fabric bust detailing. These creations were in a variety of hues ranging from crimson and deep blues and greens to soft peaches and fluid black outfits. Outfits inspired by the Indian sari saw yards of fabric being gathered at the waist and allowed to flow over the shoulder.
Indian actress Geeta Basra wore the showstopper, a short black gown with an extended hem of sheer fabric sporting exquisite crystal work.
El Deseo’s Fall line aims at transcending cultures and extending the brand appeal to a larger global audience.
Hadi Katra witnesses fabulous response from the crowd
Hadi Katra Couture
With creations of satin, taffeta, muslin and lace, the Fall line from Hadi Katra paid homage to women, who have inspired countless art forms over the ages.
The show opened with a ruffled dress of purple and pink held up with bands of silver along the neckline. A single-shouldered dress with tiers of patterned chiffon and ribbon trimming was followed by a dress with rectangular flaps at its hem.
Animal prints were seen in a number of outfits including a zebra-floral print dress, a single-shouldered draped leopard dress as well as triangular snakeskin side panels on evening gowns.
Long gowns in coral, red, yellow and pearl were adorned with oversized bows, frilly patterned and ruched fabric panels. Leather prints on grey tulle were used in lavish gowns as well as an under layer in one of the bridal outfits.
Two outfits from the bridal collection were displayed, including a completely ruffled bridal dress with subtle pearl and silver embroidery, followed by a puffed outfit with a sequined bust, incorporating layers of sheer grey tulle into the traditional white wedding gown.
Aditi Jaggi Rastogi and Priyanka Kakkar showcase gracious indo-western outfits
Aditi Jaggi Rastogi
The Fall/Winter collection from the label ADITI, focused on ‘elaborating opulence.’ Designer Aditi Jaggi Rastogi presented a 20-outfit collection in rich fabrics of fur and velvet, while also utilizing lycra, tulle and sequined fabrics.
Kicking off with fun short dresses and flowing kaftans, the upbeat collection progressed into lavish evening gowns and dresses. Luxurious gowns with Swarovski detailing were worn with matching tulle veils. Velvet leggings were paired with single-shouldered dresses and kitschy dresses with uneven ends in rich colors. Fur lined collars matched brown fur on the ankles of shoes as alligator skin hair accessories accompanied sequined dresses.
Priyanka Kakkar
Priyanka Kakkar’s 20-outfits line, titled ‘Petals of Twilight’ was inspired by the colours of twilight. The creations in silks, georgettes, tissue and corduroy, were generous in their use of floral appliqués and foliage-inspired embroidery. A voluminous bust of fuchsia flowing into an A-line black skirt was followed by a straight-cut dress of purple with cowl-back detailing.  The sensual dresses with the designer’s signature use of mixed fabrics came in hues of forest green, reds, pinks and blues and lay heavy emphasis on sensual cuts. Peacock green dominated the colour palette, which the designer believes to be the region’s colour of choice.

Highs & lows Of the Royal wedding

Finally the big day came on Friday April 29th 2011, the most awaited royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton took place where all were set to compete each other in the race of fashion. The exclusive apparel of the British Royal family was classy and beautiful as ever. The bride, Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge looked gorgeous and stunning.
Fashion designers from all over the world were anxious to know who would be assigned to design the outfit most talked about. The day had come and all eyes were at the princess, Kate Middleton, What would she wear? Who would be the lucky designer?
Kate Middleton wore an eye-catching but austere ivory gown, designed by Alexander McQueen’s Sarah Burton. To enhance the beauty of the bride, she topped her gown with the crown of the Royal family which she took from her grand mother-in-law Queen Elizabeth. The gown included a lace appliqué over an ivory bodice and skirt. The bodice and skirt was made of silk and satin. The jewelry included diamond earrings and a necklace.
“The dress is absolutely magical-it looks like it’s been put together by bluebirds”, said Angela Buttolph, editor of fashion magazine.
As a result, the bride was among the high sides of the Royal wedding. Now let’s take a look at the other royal guests and celebrities who made right or wrong fashion choices on the wedding. Most of the guests were looking stunning and gorgeous according to the occasion.
Top of the list were The Beck hams. Both David and Victoria Beckham were among the highs of the occasion. David wore a black suit by Ralph Lauren and Victoria wore a dark blue dress that fitted her perfectly. The couple together looked most sophisticated and elegant.
Another look at the Prime minister’s wife Samantha Cameron was she wore a blue dress along with an orange shawl and a necklace that gave a complete look to her outfit.
There were many other guests and senior officials at the Royal wedding who mostly chose to wear Spanish designer collection which made the event classy and memorable.
Now let’s move on to some of those who really look awkward in the occasion. Chelsy Davy was one of those odd ones who wore aqua marine bias cut silk blouse and skirt that was misfit for the occasion. Her nude-colored pumps and clutch did not enhance her over-all look.
Another awful dressed guest was the British socialite and TV presenter, Tara Palmer-Tomikson, who wore cobalt blue color that was not the cause of disaster instead it was energetic shape of her Deborah Milner dress .Although Tara tried hard to become one of the fashionable guests but was unfortunate.
Finally, it does not matter if the guests made a good or bad choice, there were highs or lows, do or don’t s in the occasion it just that they definitely enjoyed the most awaited wedding of the century.

Famous Fashion Icons who inspire us the most!

It is usually observed that females are more fashion conscious than men. They tend to follow day to day fashion and update their wardrobe accordingly. But nowadays there is no difference left behind. Men and women both are well aware of their own sense of style. Men tend to look good, combinations and cuts have become essential in their dressing. Generally both men and women follow their Famous fashion icons recognized around the world. Let’s take a look at few fashion icons who are famous at bring out their own fashion statements and trends.


A well known brand that is famous all around the world. Coco Chanel in person is a fashion icon for women. They follow the style and fashionable outfits of the designer. Coco Chanel trained women to dress up in such way that they look good as well as pleasing to the eye. The string of white pearls she launched has made a mark in popularity. People refer to Coco Chanel with it. Elegance is present in all her creations, the ‘tweed jacket’ and the ‘black dress’ brings a style and well-designed look in a persons personality. The brand Coco Chanel is among the pioneers who launched trousers for women one only men wore them.


Giorgio Armani is also one of the well-known names of the fashion industry. He has made himself a Fashion icon in the Hollywood. The film stars demand dresses under his label whenever they want to look stunning and glamorous on the red carpet. He is popular for his formal dressing and suiting for men as they are elegant and graceful. Following the healthy lifestyles of people he also initiated his own sportswear. Now Armani has also got into designing interiors i.e. he has designed the interiors of his own hotel in Dubai.


Johnny Depp, famous hollywood star, is also a fashion icon within himself. He is an allure for both men and women. Along with his outclass performance on screen, his dressing is also extraordinary. The combination he uses in his dressing is also amazing. He is considered to be a fashion icon among men. The accessories he uses reflect the bohemian and turban styles. His versatile ways of dressing up makes him remarkable among men.


Sara Jessica Parker, another famous name from the “Sex in the City”. Sara is considered among the famous fashion icons who show no fear matching the vintage and haute couture fashion. Her over all look is enhanced by the flawless pair of designer shoes. Her clothing reflects her up-to-date following of trends.
All these famous personalities become fashion icons for people and they follow their sense of style in order to stay trendy and fashionable.

World Fashion Week New Yourk City 2011/2012 – World Fashion Awards

World Fashion Week NYC 2011/2012, a platform to not only celebrate beauty and fashion but with a mission to spread its glory and happiness to all the corners of the world, World Fashion Week NYC 2011/2012 is not only a promotion of fashion, designers and models but a mélange of different nations and cultures to promote peace, happiness and social development.
The Welcoming Gala of the World Fashion Week NYC 2011/2012 will kick off in the city of New York in fall 2011 at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, where representatives from all over the world will indulge into one wondrous fashion sensation while presenting their culture and art.
World Fashion Week NYC 2011/2012 is not only a tantalizing fashion experience but it is a huge network for trade and fashion professionals to experience a whole new world of fashion and creativity while promoting international fashion business relationships and understanding.
Each day of the World Fashion Week NYC 2011/2012 is laden with fashionlicious celebrations including runway shows, showcasing fashion designers from all over the world in three main categories; Haute Couture, Pret-a-porter and Menswear. World Fashion Week NYC 2011/2012 will provide an excellent pathway to the participating nations to introduce their national brands to the global market.
In addition to that, World Fashion Week NYC 2011/2012, which is linked with United Nations Development Programme, is incepted to make fashion a tool to fight poverty and promote environmental and social responsibility within fashion and textile industry while revolutionizing human development, education and social integration with one humanitarian voice ‘Fashion for Development and Peace’.

Hair Trend: Sweet Little Braids

If you are looking for a perfect hairstyle to flaunt this season than think no further then sweet little braids, pleats or plaits, or whatever you call them! The sweet-yet-messy-small-braids is the hottest trend of the season and we are here to tell you how to rock this trend with utmost style.

When it comes to plaits, the possibilities are endless, you can even make it into a beautiful headband with your hair down, or you can even make two front braids for a more youthful look, make it into a dramatic yet messy updo or lose your tresses free with just a single side braid for a romantic look.

You can also give these braids a little extra oomph with ribbons, flowers, bows and other accessories to give them a perfectly romantic look. The most common these days is the single side braid with messy hair that looks casual yet stylish. Celebrities like Jessica, Mandy and Lindsay seems to be so much adoring these little braids that we can guarantee this is the hottest thing of the season!

Many of the fashion shows during Mercedes Benz Fashion Week had models flaunting braids across their foreheads similar to a sweet band or flower child look. But for every day wear, we can’t be as dramatic as fashion shows, so we can just stick a little sweet yet messy braid like headband or like side braids, plus it would be sweeter if you just add a flower or some pearls in your braid.

You got the clue, now put your creative hat on and twist your hair into small little braids to give yourself a chic bohemian appeal!

Men go wacky with Milan Fashion Week Trends

Hitherto we only thought that fashion plays much important role in a woman’s life than men, in grand fashion weeks, they it was always the female models to provide the eye candy with bear skins and exposed beauties. However, Milan Fashion Week, with its spring 2011 collection has changed a lot in the world of fashion.

Milan Fashion Week came with a blast of unusual men trends, which were a little too much to digest. Usually men’s fashion doesn’t change much apart from the little variations in colors and cuts, but Milan Fashion Week Spring 2011 was a little different one.

It was more about flaunting masculinity which rather looked less manly! The bare display of abs, legs and nipples took the fashion week to an entirely different level. Read to amuse yourself with five wackiest of men’s trends at Milan Fashion Week Spring 2011.

Crop Tops

Calvin Klein came up with macho men pimped up in cropped tops (a T-shirt with lower portion cut off) which showed off their lower sexy abs. Well, if I were a man, I would’ve preferred to remain undressed rather than wearing those wacky cropped shirts, which rather seemed to make fun of masculinity.


Monokini is topless swimsuit which includes only bikini bottom without a bikini top. Women’s swimwear fashion shows create a lot of buzz and excitement because of their extra hot chilli appeal but sexy swimsuits for men! Well ask Armani, who presented a collection of monokinis at Milan Fashion Week Spring 2011. Quite unusual!


Hmm, this one has got brojo! Meggings is a kind of leggings for men, worn under shorts, and this is among spring 2011 men’s fashion trends. But it’s quite less wacky then crop shirts! Created by Emporio Armani, this trend seems to be hybrid version of jeans and leggings.


I thought sheer was only for women, but Milan Fashion Week Spring 2011 proved me wrong and presented a sexy collection of sheer lace shirts that looked appealing. Boys at Etro Spring runway show were going all naughty with sheer shirts. Girls hold your breath!

Floral Prints

Floral prints also made their entry at D&G Spring 2011 runway show. In girls, floral prints add to their charm and youthfulness, but in boys, what do they enhance? Umm, let’s ask Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana!

Classic Fashion Trends to fill your wardrobe with Style!

Fashion trends are meant to change but some trends tends to be evergreen that remains in your closet forever for every season. Classic trends are the basics of new fashion, like when you observe the fashion shows all around the world each fashionable,” latest” and grand design of outfit is derived from classic ones.
Like if we talk about jeans, jeans is the type of outfit which people of every age enjoy wearing. Jeans are trendy, stylish yet comfortable. Jeans, as a classic trend have lots of tendency to
experiment with, like you can wear jeans with t-shirts on any casual party; even black jeans paired with white shirt with folded sleeves and tie can make you the hot cake of the club party. Try out jeans in every color since each color of jeans gives a separate outlook like take brown jeans, when you wear brown jeans with black shirt it gives you the cow boy look. In the same way cream colored jeans with blue shirt presents a noble boy image. Jeans can be termed as widely accepted everlasting trend all over the world so must have a few pieces of jeans in your closet as it’s not only cost effective but also fashion-fulfilling.
In the same way we see the V necked sweaters and shirts- crafts.The V necked sweaters have their own charm. It’s both trendy and decent at the same time .V necked sweater can be worn with jackets. V necked sweaters paired with office shirts will make you elegance-personified in the foggy evenings of your city. V-Necked sweaters are also available in half sleeves and look perfect and truly evergreen for office time.
Last but not the least; leather jacket is another timeless trend, which never goes out of fashionistas’ wardrobes. Leather jackets look sexier and give man a tough and manly look that every woman dreams of. Leather jackets with round glasses and black jeans will make you a trendy and stylish man of all times. So have a leather jacket of your favorite color in your closet and don it anywhere and anytime you want. We recommend brown, black and for bold ones red leather jackets as these colors are always appreciated and never goes out of fashion scene.

Rage of Latest Resort 2012 Collections

List of latest resort 2012 collections is continuously increasing with many fashion designers adding their share to it. Luxury, charm, elegance, sophistication and style are the salient features the latest resort 2012 collections are all about.
One looking to dazzle at summer vacation with latest resort trends 2012 must not have an excuse of a chic outfit as the choices are countless this year. Here you can find all latest resort 2012 collections created by various international fashion designers and each containing some unusual elements than the other one.
List of latest resort 2012 collections by fashion designers:
1.    Elie Tahari Resort Collection 2012
2.    Chanel Resort Collection 2012
3.    Max Azria Resort Collection 2012
4.    Jill Stuart Resort Collection 2012
5.    Jason Wu Resort Collection 2012
6.    MaxMara Resort Collection 2012
7.    ADAM Resort Collection 2012
8.    Burberry Prorsum Resort Collection 2012
9.    Carlos Miele Resort Collection 2012
10.    Hervé Léger by Max Azria Resort Collection 2012
11.    Chloë Sevigny for O.C. Resort Collection 2012
12.    Lela Rose Resort Collection 2012
13.    Sportmax Resort Collection 2012
14.    Nanette Lepore Resort Collection 2012
15.    Helmut Lang Resort Collection 2012
16.    Bottega Veneta Resort Collection 2012
17.    Michael Kors Resort Collection 2012
18.    Rachel Roy Resort Collection 2012
19.    Thakoon Addition Resort Collection 2012
20.    Yigal Azrouël Resort Collection 2012
21.    Kevork Kiledjian Resort Collection 2012
22.   BCBG Max Azria Resort Collection 2012
23.    Derek Lam Resort Collection 2012
24.    Erdem Resort Collection 2012
25.    Tibi Resort Collection 2012
26.    Erin Fetherston Resort Collection 2012
27.    Reed Krakoff Resort Collection 2012
28.    Oscar de la Renta Resort Collection 2012
29.    Marc Jacobs Resort Collection 2012
30.    St. John Resort Collection 2012
31.    Donna Karan Resort Collection 2012
32.    Z Spoke by Zac Posen Resort Collection 2012
33.    Organic by John Patrick Resort Collection 2012
34.    DKNY Resort Collection 2012
35.    3.1 Phillip Lim Resort Collection 2012
36.    Missoni Resort Collection 2012
37.    Jenni Kayne Resort Collection 2012
38.    Sophie Theallet Resort Collection 2012
39.    TSE Resort Collection 2012
40.    Narciso Rodriguez Resort Collection 2012
41.    Diane von Furstenberg Resort Collection 2012
42.    Carolina Herrera Resort Collection 2012
43.    Yves Saint Laurent Resort Collection 2012
44.    Rachel Zoe Resort Collection 2012
45.    Zac Posen Resort Collection 2012
46.    Thakoon Resort Collection 2012

Latest Trends in Fashion for Men

The word “Fashion” isn’t just limited to be used for women any more. Latest trends in fashion for men might not be as frequently evolving as women’s, but they do evolve and men are adopting the new men trends more boldly today than they did before.
This year brought a lot of unusual latest trends in fashion for men, and we saw men happily following the new men trends without feeling conscious about themselves like men before them used to do. Six of the latest trends in fashion for men which have really gone out of the way to make a mark are highlighted below.
Crop Tops are the first amongst the most unusual new men trends. While many men found it extremely weird, others found this new men trend extremely unique and tried to adapt to it. This latest trends in fashion for men was highly popular among guys who gym regularly and who have developed sexy abs. This men trend is a good way to show them off.
Can you imagine men wearing monokinis on the beach? Well if u can’t, then start broadening your imagination because this is one of the hottest men trend this year. The runway was literally put on fire by introducing this latest trend in fashion for men.
Meggings is again in men’s trend which was never heard of before. Everyone has heard of Leggings but Meggings is something completely new introduced for men. This is a hybrid of Jeans and leggings to bring something new to men’s wardrobe.
Lace shirts have come into the men’s market with a bang! You think it’s a 2010 fashion trend for women? Men have brought this men trend in 2011 with a manly touch. Nearly transparent shirts, with springy colors give men an absolutely amazing look.
Floral prints have also entered into latest trend in fashion for men this year and this is by far the most easily adopted and popular fashion of the year. These shirts are a special hot favorite for summers. With floral prints in unique colors on light summer fabrics, this fashion trend for men has really made a mark.
Men’s jewelry has entered the men’s market and made its mark long ago, but this year has brought uniqueness into it by introducing big chunky pendants, in unique colors and shapes which are unusual and funky looking. Big and bold is the theme all around this year.
Latest trends in fashion for men this year has made a breakthrough which is quite unique and bold. The challenge now lies upon men to carry these trends in a way which would make them stand out in a crowd. Girls will either love it or hate it. You have to convince them with your bold personal style. 2011 has brought a theme into fashiontrend which screams “Go Bold” from clothes to accessories and so the bold style is also reflected in men trends. Go ahead and dazzle the world with latest fashion trends for men.

Husband pillow: a romantic huggable

It is almost impossible to ignore the cuddly, adorable and romantic huggable pillows displayed in the windows of gift shops. Huggable pillows range from Nickelodeon to fuzzy romantic huggable hearts with fascinating inscription. There is also a large variety of classy and posh pillows in comparatively elegant colors. No matter from which age group you belong to, it is purely natural for you to get attracted by the great range of huggable pillows and you will definitely find one made just for you.
A latest innovation, which you might not have come across yet, is the romantic husband pillow. It is a cute but very masculine and huggable. You might not find it as soft as other cuddly pillows because husband pillow is designed logically stiff. The name itself justifies its firmness. Husbands are better strong and stiff than having baby soft physic. The shape of husband pillow is designed to give you a feeling that you are lying by the side of your better half. Husband pillow is shaped as the half upper portion of a male body, from shoulder to waist with an extended arm. The extended arm of the husband pillow lures you to curl yourself up by the side of your soul mate.
Indeed, real human beings can never be replaced by pillows no matter how romantic and huggable they are, yet husband pillow might consol you in the absence of your husband. The firm touch of husband pillow will never make you feel that you are alone and the extended arm which warps around you gives you a sense of security and safety.  Husband pillow is designed so that your habit of sleeping by the side of your beloved does not change even in his absence.

2012 Fashion Forecast

Fashion keeps changing with the change in seasons, days and aesthetics. Fashion weeks kick off while bringing you the latest that fashion has to offer. As the fashion changes, people change and the way of dressing, styling and creativity change. So people in today’s world always want to keep in touch with latest fashion trends and even about what’s coming ahead. Hence, our time machine went into 2012 to bring forth some 2012 fashion forecast for our dear fashionistas!
Year 2012 is going to be much glamorous and fashionable, when in the city of Milan; fashion weeks will blast to give you the best of fashion. Fashion weeks such as Milano Moda Pre Collezioni, Milano Moda Donna, Milano Moda Uomo, Hong Kong Fashion Week and many more will bring you an irresistible range of fashion fetish.
Coming towards hottest trends that will become a part of your life in 2012, the one on the top of the list is Jumpsuits with wide leg pants and flat sandals to give you a quintessential 60s look with low ponytail.  Designers like Valentino, Maria Grazia and Pier Paolo Piccioli will offer their wide range in block colors.
The year 2012 will be much fast paced to save time for a little effort and attention on everyday wear. So fashion is going to be more about going easy, breezy and effortless with sheer maxi dress. A combination of funky shirt with sheer maxi will become a perfect example of going effortlessly chic.
Moreover, plunging neckline is all you need next year to appear sexy and sensual as year 2012 will be more about refined sex appeal! You can don a sexy outfit with plunging neckline and be the femme fatale of the evening.
Fashion forecast about men’s trends in year 2012, we cannot forget the Olympic Game 2012, making their way to London next year, which is going to be a high influence on men’s fashion. Amongst many trends, Athletic wear is going to be a major trend in 2012. Inspired by traditionally English sporting disciplines like rowing and fencing, there will be lots of sporty fabrics and details with relaxed tailoring.
In addition to that, with designer Kim Jones becoming the men’swear style director of Louis Vuitton, men will be a little too rough-and-ready, and a little too casual in 2012.

Party-makeup to fall for!

It is always good to maintain a right balance between not under or over doing makeup and using the correct shades of makeup for different parts of the day.
Party makeup can be for any part of the day depending upon what sort of party you are going to attend and what is the occasion. Doing party makeup can be quite a task as all the girls want a professional look but in quick, easy and homemade way. Going to beauty parlors for party makeup all the time is very costly and at times not at all worth it!
The first thing before starting off with your party makeup is to decide what sort of a look you want. Do you want to like like a Barbie or Marilyn Monroe, you like the glossy makeup or the matte finish. Furthermore, the colors of your dress and jewelry matter a lot as everything should complement each other.
If you are planning to do party makeup for evening then use nice face shimmers and sparkling eye shades. Blue, green, red etc all work well on eyes but don’t forget to blend them with either gold or silver depending upon the color of the accessories you are planning to wear and the mbellishments on your dress.
Under the eyebrow, apply a silver shimmer to enhance the overall shape of the eye. Complete the eye make up by applying a dark colored eye liner preferably black, electric blue, dark green and chocolate brown and use a volumizing mascara for the eyelashes to add the extra tinge of being glamorous.
For lips, just apply a good and neutral tone lip gloss. A lipstick is a big NO! Complete the look with a little shimmery blush-on enhancing your cheekbone.Keep the eye makeup dark, glamorous and sparkling for the evenings and the rest should be just glossy and pinkish!
For the day time, keep your makeup as minimal as possible. It means keeping your makeup less visible to the people and maintain a natural skin tone and complexion. The day makeup is less about being glamorous and more about being chic, trendy and pretty.
The use of pink and peach shades is very preferable in party makeup for the day. Use a very light and neutral base or foundation and try to avoid face shimmers. Apply light colors of eyeshades and use a good blush-on in any shade of pink. A light colored lipstick is preferable in makeup for the day time if not using a lip gloss. Illuminators are a very good makeup item for day as well as night time so use them too.
May it be a party makeup for day time or night time, always keep in mind that your natural complexion and freshness is the best and most glamorous makeup for you. Keep the makeup use minimal and make the original “you” shine out. Never let artificial things ruin your originality.

Celebrity Gossip News Advertisement Sam Sahotra Signed for Playback Singing in Bollywood

Pakistani bhangra singer Sam Sahotra has been approached for playback singing in an Indian film. He will sing a melo number for the movie.
The lead vocalist of the Pakistani Punjabi bhangra band, Sam Sahotra will now cast the spell of his Punjabi voice in an Indian film. Like many other talented Pakistani singers stepping in Bollywood, Sam Sahotra has also joined the queue. He released his solo album “Lak Tera Hilley” in India, Pakistan, Canada and America and gained recognition worldwide.
During an interview, Sam Sahotra narrated, “He will sing a love romantic song “Dil Chandra” for Bollywood film. Yet the cast of the film is still undecided but will be revealed soon”.

Simple Beauty Tip

Are you conscious about your skin? Do you want to make it better? Yes? The following beauty tip is the best content written for you.
Owning a perfect skin with a glowing complexion is every girl’s biggest wish. For achieving this wish, many young girls go to any extend in order to make themselves look prettier all the time. There are millions of beauty products which are available in the markets today, accompanied by thousands of beauty tips. With the advancements in technology and more awareness amongst people; consultations with doctors, beauticians and dieticians are becoming very popular regarding the skin problems and treatments. But this best and the simplest beauty tip for getting everlasting glowing and smooth skin is to use and drink lots and lots of water.
Water is basically of two types; the hard water and the soft water. Hard water contains different harsh chemicals which can damage the skin and result too many different problems. But soft water is the best option for getting a softer and smoother skin. Therefore, it is very important to know that the skin must only be washed with good quality of water so that it does not get exposed to harsh chemicals in water that can affect the skin badly.
Another beauty tip regarding the use of water for skin is that never wash your face area with hot water. It results in opening of pores which leads to blackheads, wrinkles etc. Always avoid hot water for cleaning your face and use cold water instead. Even when taking a bath under a hot water shower, avoid exposing the facial area skin to hot water.
Drinking water frequently is an excellent and most inexpensive beauty tip. Those women who drink water at least 5-6 glasses a day; their skin is seen to be more glowing and smooth as compared to other women. Water is the most pure and effective cleanser and moisturizer for the skin. It hydrates the skin and keeps on flushing the toxins out of the body. A good amount of water intake helps in quick heeling of wounds, cleaning of the entire systems of the body and prevents the body from dehydration.
People who do not drink water frequently and rather prefer going to a beautician and doctor for getting a smooth and glowing skin are doing great harm to themselves. They are wasting their time and money on useless stuff when there is a free blessing available to them in the form of water.
The best and the safest beauty tip that you can rely on is to carry a bottle of water with yourself wherever you go and drink it sip by sip from time to time. Or if possible, drink a glass of water after every hour and you will feel the difference in your body and skin yourself.
Happy drinking Water!

Bol smashes all records

A far cry from senseless, meaning Indian comedies, with which Pakistani cinemas are flooded these days, and a strong dose of reality, Bol has beaten all records, even the record breaking Shahrukh Khan hit, ‘My name is Khan’ is proved a step behind it.
Shoaib Mansoor’s Bol has done business of Rs22.038 million in just six days beating Shahrukh Khan’s film ‘My name is Khan’, which did the business of Rs21.658 million in a week. It is expected that when record of the full week is available, this film make a gross earning of Rs25 million setting up new business record.
Mansoor’s debut film ‘Khuda Ke Lyay' also set up new records and now his second venture is maintain the tradition. Since its first show on June 24, the film is continuously on the march to success. Shoaib Mansoor has definitely kicked off a new trend and we hope it will evolve Pakistan’s La-la-land Lollywood to a well recognized film industry.

How to make a Plain Outfit Look Awesome

If you are tired of wearing the same old clothes over and over again and are plain bored with the monotony then all you need is to spice up your wardrobe a little bit. If picking out a good outfit is giving you a hard time then we have some easy breezy techniques for you through which you can add a little zing to your attire. These techniques will help you turn your clothes into a fabulous looking outfit. All you need for this is some fashion magazines, general observation of the fashion scene around you, your own clothes and some accessories to finish the look.
The first thing you need to do is go through some fashion magazines to ascertain the latest trends in the fashion market. This will help you immensely in deciding what kind of look you want to adorn. It is important to pay attention to what the celebrities are wearing and then deciding which look works best for you. Also, an effective way is to observe the people on the street and the ones around you. That way, you get an insight into the fashion whims and help you imitate the styles that you like.
The next effective step is coordinating your outfit. This is a helpful way of making your outfit look awesome. Coordinating in the way that you need to observe which look suits you best, such as whether you want to go for vertical stripes because they make you appear slimmer. Similarly, you can accentuate on your outfit by mixing and matching two different colours of the same family. Two shades of one colour are easy to put together and give a very slimming effect to the entire body. In addition to this, you can also coordinate your outfit with a good pair of shoes because sometimes all you really need is the right pair of shoes to get the outfit going for you.
Choosing the right shade of colour is essential for a good outfit. You need to ascertain what colour works best for your skin tone; such as brunettes look ravishing in red and redheads turn heads in emerald. Similarly, the skin tone can also determine the right colour for you. Light skin tones should opt for green or blue whereas darker complexions should go for pastels. Black is always the new black; works wonders for everyone.
Layering is also an effective way to make your outfit stand out. Mix and match your fabric with another one to get the look working for you. In addition to that, one must have is to add fabric to your outfit. You can add a scarf to your hair or neckline, or lace ruffles to your shirt, or a fabric belt with dangling beads. All work wonders for your look. 
Last but not least, the key is to accessorize skillfully. But wear one item at a time, don’t overdo the accessories. Dangling earrings can accentuate your face, necklaces of different lengths add sophistication, wrists or ankle bracelets work wonders too. It is up to you to decide which look works best for you. You’ll be ready to wreak havoc on the fashion scenario if you follow these simple guidelines and add a little bling of your own by experimenting different hairstyles to compliment your look.

Fight Acne without using Medication

Acne is a serious issue for most of us, but don’t worry. Now we have a various measures to keep acne away from you.
Mostly, almost all of us have acne problems especially during our teenage years. Indeed, it is very irritating and it leads to serious problems like depression in many people if it doesn’t get fine. But there are ways to fight acne without taking strong medicines like antibiotics etc which may subside acne for a little while and make acne grow faster again anytime too. Therefore, follow these simple steps to prevent acne and see the results yourself.
  • Never Pop Zits
Many teenage girls and boys too, try to pop out their pimples and acne hit areas especially on weekends or when they need to attend any party or special occasion. Popping out acne zits is a major sin that you can do to your already acne hit skin. This leaves dark spots, marks and worst of all, deep cracks forever. Moreover, most of the time, pimples have pus in them. When you break pimples, the chances of pus spreading all over are at its maximum which causes more and more acne and pimples.
  • Live a Stress Free Life
Stress has become a crucial part of our lives. It is now as important in our lives as eating or drinking. But this is very wrong and it is the major cause of bringing acne to your skin. Moreover, your skin loses its glowing complexion and you are likely to have wrinkles soon with more acne on your face. Therefore, try to avoid taking stress as it is the best way to fight acne and have a smooth and glowing complexion of skin.
  • Avoid Over-Washing Your Face
Washing your face twice or thrice is good to prevent acne but don’t over wash. The reason to it is that, an overdose of chemicals through soaps and face washes is not good no matter how good anti-bacterial and anti-acne soaps and face washes you are using. Rather, a better option is to wash your face just with water every now and then. It helps in refreshing the skin cells which fights better and effectively against acne.
  • Avoid Touching Your face
Our fingers and hands have lots of bacteria on them which we cannot see. This is one of the prime causes that lead to acne. Moreover, touching acne irritates the skin and if you touch the same fingers at some other point on your skin then the chances of having acne at that place gets higher. Therefore, try to avoid touching your face and acne hit areas as much as possible.
  • Wash Your Hair Frequently
Regular and daily cleaning of hair is as important as washing your hands and face. Hair is the area which is like a warehouse for storing large amounts of oil, dirt and eventually leading to dandruff. All this drastically impacts skin by causing acne. Therefore, wash your hair daily to keep them clean and smooth and ultimately protecting your skin from acne too.
  • Change Your Pillow Case Frequently
Pillow cases are another reason which aggravates the acne. It is because of the fact that when we sleep, many pimples break and the pus and dirty blood spreads over. Moreover, rubbing the acne hit skin with the pillow case and then placing the acne free areas on the same pillow case creates more acne. So, in order to avoid all this and minimize the bacterial growth, it is best advised to change the pillow cases regularly.
Last but not the least, the best medicine to prevent your skin from acne is to drink lots and lots of water and avoid junk and oily foods. You will see the changes yourself in skin and the acne will taper off within a few months.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Cleansing Diet

Cleansing diet – that’s what is necessary to get rid of the dull face color, edema, and bags under the eyes and a constant feeling of fatigue. It will help to excrete the excess fluid, get rid of toxins and will help to lose weight.
Cleansing diet is a rejection of normal nutrition and short-term transition on certain fruits, vegetables and plenty of mineral water and / or fresh juices.
In the morning, upon awakening, before breakfast, you need to drink a glass of mineral water or green tea. During the whole diet should be consumed liquid in large quantities. It can be plain water, tea, juice.

The ration of cleansing diet for weight loss should be followed from 3 days to 2 weeks. After this period of time need to reduce the use of such products as pasta, rice in the form of whole grains, vegetables and bran.

Cleansing diet plan

Day 1
Breakfast: apple, rice with a little grated lemon zest and a few drops of lemon juice.
Lunch: vegetable broth, a salad of lettuce and stalks of celery and green onions (filled with vinegar and olive oil), rice with greenery with a teaspoon of olive oil.
Dinner: vegetable broth, rice with carrots and zucchini, cooked in steam.
Day 2
Breakfast: one orange, rice with a little grated orange peel and one teaspoon of sour cream.
Lunch: vegetable broth with boiled vegetables and portion of rice.
Dinner: vegetable broth with boiled vegetables and portion of rice.
Day 3
Breakfast: one apple, rice, sprinkled with cinnamon.
Lunch: vegetable broth, salad from cucumbers, rice with 150g mushrooms, peeled, sliced ​​and fried in olive oil.
Dinner: vegetable broth, rice with broccoli, cooked in steam..
Day 4
Breakfast: fruit salad with 1-2 tablespoons of rice flakes, cream.
Lunch: vegetable broth, radishes with leaves of green salad, rice with carrots, steamed.
Dinner: vegetable broth, rice with parsley and a pinch of sunflower seeds.
Day 5
Breakfast: rice with grapes or raisins and a teaspoon of grated almonds.
Lunch: vegetable broth, rice with lots of greenery and steamed vegetables with a tablespoon of olive oil.
Dinner: vegetable broth, rice, seasoned with a tablespoon of chopped walnuts, 2 tablespoons green onions and 2 tablespoons of grated celery root or parsley, spinach, cooked in steam.
Day 6
Breakfast: rice, 2 dates, 4 walnuts, figs 1-2 berries and pear.
Lunch: vegetable broth, rice with raw vegetables (cucumber, bell pepper, mint and one spoonful of olive oil).
Dinner: vegetable broth, rice with 1-2 apples, cut into thin slices, a tablespoon of sour cream and half a teaspoon of honey.
Day 7
Breakfast: half a cup of yogurt, rice with apples and pears, diced, seasoned with a few drops of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey.
Lunch: vegetable soup, 200 grams of green salad, rice with a tomato and green beans, cooked in steam.
Dinner: vegetable soup, rice with squash, cooked by steaming, one teaspoon of olive oil, 5 olives, basil.
Cleansing diet pros
• Gives the body a rest from toxins, helps to hold an all-out general cleaning and cleaning of all internal organs.
• Get rid of cellulite, which is caused by the accumulation of toxins in the body.
• Diet lasts only a few days, gives a sense of renewed, freshness and vigor.
• Diet easy to follow – no need to cook anything.
• Solves the problems with bowel function disorders.
Cleansing diet cons
• Not intended for long term use, she should just rid the body of harmful toxins. To keep myself in good shape, it is necessary to repeat this diet every few months.
• Can cause severe headaches it is a sure sign that the body gets rid of toxins.
Cleansing diet cannot observe more than seven to nine days: during her body does not receive all the necessary substances.

The 3 Day Diet

The 3 day diet is an effective and low-calorie diet for weight loss. Daily ration of the 3 day diet is about 900 calories. The diet due to balanced nutrition fairly easily tolerated.
The 3 day diet is a combination of certain types of foods that causes the required reaction of the digestive system and speeds up the metabolism, allowing you to burn more fats. Some claim that if you follow diet correctly, you can lose up to 4-5 kg for 3 days. After three days of the diet need to return to normal healthy nutrition and do not overeat.

3 Day Diet Meal Plan

Day 1
Breakfast: one cup of coffee or tea without sugar, one slice of bread, two tablespoons of jam or peanut butter, 1/2 grapefruit or juice.
Lunch: 100 grams of tuna, 1 piece toast, black tea or coffee.
Dinner: 3 ounces any lean meat or chicken, 100 grams of green beans, 100 grams of carrots, 100 grams of regular vanilla ice cream, one apple. Day 2
Breakfast: black coffee or tea, one egg, half a banana, 1 piece toast.
Lunch: 200 grams of cottage cheese or tuna 8 regular crackers with salt.
Dinner: 2 beef franks, 200 grams of cabbage or broccoli, 100 grams of carrots, half a banana, 100 grams of regular vanilla ice cream.
Day 3
Breakfast: black coffee or tea, 5 regular crackers with salt, 30 grams of cheddar cheese, one apple.
Lunch: one boiled egg, one piece toast, black tea or coffee.
Dinner: 100 grams of tuna, 100 grams of carrots, 100 grams cauliflower 100 grams of melon, 100 grams of regular vanilla ice cream.
If you adhere strictly to the diet menu and parallel with it to do physical activities, you can easily lose weight in a relatively short period of time.
The 3 day diet recommends drinking lots of water – at least 1,5-2 liters or 6-8 glasses of plain or no carbonated mineral water per day.