
Tuesday 5 July 2011

Vegetable Diet for Autumn

Vegetable diet – not for the weak and weak-willed.
In the vegetable diet limited number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And despite this, the body gets the necessary number of substances for normal body function. That is why on a vegetable diet can sit up to 1 month.
Menu vegetable diet consists mainly of various fresh vegetables and herbs: carrots, zucchini, green beans, cabbage, cucumbers, sweet peppers, lettuce, pumpkin, potatoes – no more than 2-3 boiled potatoes a day and green parsley. Do not eat less than 1200 cal per day.
Vegetable Diet for Autumn
1 day – morning, black tea with dried apricots, afternoon soup, boiled potatoes, tomato salad with beets and herbal teas; at noon banana and green tea, evening salad from fresh vegetables and mineral water;
2 day – morning, an apple and black tea, afternoon soup, boiled potatoes, salad, herbal tea and fruit, at noon banana, green tea or mineral water in the evening salad and cranberry or cranberry juice or cranberry herbal tea from leaf;
Day 3 – morning, green tea with dried apricots or raisins, beetroot soup, salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh herbs, radishes and green or herbal tea with figs; at noon compote and fruit in the evening, fresh cabbage salad in any quantity and compote
4 day – morning, green tea and some fresh fruit, broth from the soup, salad of fresh vegetables and mineral water at noon compote, raw carrots in the evening and cranberry or cranberry juice or cranberry herbal tea from leaf;
5 day – morning, green tea; day salad of fresh vegetables, herbal tea and orange; at noon and half an apple compote; evening, fresh cabbage salad and mineral water;
6 day – morning, green tea and some fresh fruit, soup, salad of fresh greens and vegetables and mineral water at noon compote; night raw uncooked vegetables and herbal tea;
7 day – every morning tea with dried fruit, afternoon soup, boiled potatoes, vegetable salad, green tea and fruit compote or afternoon tea with dried fruit, salad vegetables in the evening, tea or stewed fruit, any fruit and dried fruits.
Exit vegetable diet: in the first days after the end of the vegetable diet menu remains the same, but add protein of vegetable origin, for example, legumes, soy. Then – add the protein of animal origin – cottage cheese. Then add oatmeal and meat.
Vegetable diet is useful because:
1. Vegetables are rich in vitamins: A, B, C, PP, R, E.
2. In vegetables contain high levels of micronutrients such as calcium, potassium, iron.
3. Vegetables rich in beneficial enzymes, organic acids, carbohydrates, which give a small boost of energy.

Best Ways To Lose Weight

What is the Best Ways To Lose Weight? There are many ways to lose weight. There are simple ways, but there is not much. You can sit on a diet. You can starve. You can take pills for weight loss, like Lida, or Phentermine. But the weight still comes back to the old mark, and sometimes even become larger after taking the pills or compliance with weight loss diet. What to do?
Diets. One of the most popular ways to lose weight. Glossy magazines are full right diet – apple, meat, and so on. But most often it is injurious to health – the body can not get enough proteins, fats and vitamins. Needs of the organism affect your cravings for food, just have to not confuse hunger and desire to chew something.
Pills. Most of them contain medications fenfluramine, phentermine and other stimulants. They muffle feelings of hunger and the body begins to take nutrients from their own cells, may cause problems with the kidneys and liver, digestive tract. In general, the easiest way to lose weight – without the cost of any force.
Gym. Experienced specialists can help you show which muscles and how it should develop. The main thing is not to throw in the first week – sore muscles, moreover, increases the appetite – the body need to recover the costs of energy, so that the first weight can fluctuate sharply by 1-2 kg during the day. Throw deal at first is not recommended – increased appetite remains, and the load is no more.
Running. The most difficult way. But one of the most effective – no monetary cost – you can run in the morning before work, or in the evening, sometimes even with the dog. Probably next to your house is a park, stadium, race tracks, or just a school with a playground.
Swimming – probably the best exercise. Develops strength and endurance, promotes weight loss, strengthens all muscle groups, hardens the body. Swim 3-4 times a week for 30-40 minutes, and the results will not keep you wait.
It is best to combine these methods to your own taste, but considering the advice of your doctor. Even if this result holds for a long time, each has its own particular organism and, consequently, different ways to lose weight.

Watermelon diet

Watermelon diet convenient. First, the summer watermelons are sold at every step.
Secondly, the watermelon diet – one of the simplest in implementation. It is necessary to strictly follow one rule: eat watermelons and nothing more.
Watermelon diet, as most mono-diet, you should not continue more than 5 days and 10 days
1. Almost complete cleansing of the body
2. Deduces slags and toxins
3. Watermelon diet – nourishing diet. The feeling of hunger little occurs.
1. The toilet will have to run very often.
2. If you have lowered acidity, watermelon diet can cause stomach pains.
3. If you have kidney stones or you are a diabetic, you watermelon diet is not suitable.
After the diet will not prevent another week or two to involve actively in the diet watermelons. Sample menu for this period may be so. At breakfast – oatmeal and a little cheese. At lunch – fish, meat or poultry with a salad without fat. At dinner – a watermelon at a cost of 1 kg of pulp at 30 kg own weight. By following this diet, you can lose up to 8 kg of excess weight.

What is a Protein Diet

What is a Protein Diet? The wide popularity of diets with high protein content because they help control hunger. With the assimilation of protein brain receives a signals that hunger has become smaller. Another advantage of the protein in that it increases your metabolism at rest, maintaining muscle mass. With age and without exercise reduced muscle mass, so the maintenance of physical fitness is important for burning fat and maintain a high level of metabolism. The protein also contributes to a much slower rise and fall of blood sugar and insulin in the blood, so you can avoid “sugar shock”, which is known to promote a direct rise of fat.

Sources of protein are all dairy products, meat, eggs, fish, and among plant soybeans, nuts and legumes. Minimum 1 gramm consumption per kilogram of body weight. Calculate your rate is not difficult. But without movement and control of total energy intake did not expect a large effect. And about gastritis, follow the advice of your doctor and do not include just the diet is not recommended products.
Scheme and selection of food products in the diet is reduced to two phases: weight loss and maintaining it at the level attained.
The protein Atkins diet has long been considered controversial. The main argument is the assumption that the restriction of carbohydrates can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system, brittle bones and kidney problems.
Varieties protein diet
According to the American Heart Association and the National Institutes of Health, on average, adults need 50-60 grams of protein per day. Therefore, ideally, “protein” calories should be 12 – 15% of daily calorie intake. Excess protein is a conditional rule can lead to increased levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and clogged arteries. Protein diet in combination with the consumption of the calculated amount of carbohydrates and fat means a balanced diet. Here are several varieties of protein diets:
* A diet high in protein, fat and middle-carbohydrate, close to the Atkins diet.
* A diet high in protein, low-fat and medium carbohydrate, so-called Zonal diet.
Typically, the menu protein diet similar to the following:
Breakfast (always the same). It takes 10-15 minutes before a meal – a glass of water at room temperature. Then: coffee with milk 0,5% fat. You can replace a glass of tea. To improve the taste or fructose sweetener use in small quantities. 1 curds 0% fat yogurt, or any, up to 80 kcal per 100 g. After some time, having experienced the feeling of hunger, drink a glass or two of green tea with mint. After 3 hours after breakfast, eat an apple or pear, or orange, or 5 plum. Lunch after 2 hours.
Dinner. 10 minutes before a meal – a glass of water at room temperature. Then select from the following:
Soup (2 small ladles) with two thin slices of black or coarse grinding grain salad 2 tomatoes, tea, three dried fruit, tangerine.
Dinner. Do not forget a glass of water at room temperature. Then choose any of the options:
Salad: 100g squid rings of preserves + chopped egg + 2 tbsp. l. corn, season with lemon juice, olive oil and squeeze the garlic or onions there. 0,5 packaging frozen shrimp – cooked without salt with a bay leaf, – wild rice, as in lunch.

Slimming after Pregnancy

Slimming after Pregnancy. The first thing that draws attention to a woman after childbirth – it’s her figure. The woman throws off up to 6 kilograms of his weight, as soon give birth to a child, but 3 pounds of fat gained during pregnancy, remains.
Often, many women begin to gain weight rapidly after birth. This is due to changes in the number of hormones and nutrition. The most important thing – proper nutrition and daily exercise.
Sit down immediately after giving birth to the very strict diet can not in any case! You are breastfeeding, and all the most useful substances are transmitted to your child through breast milk.
While you are breastfeeding, watch your diet. Try to eat as often as possible. Namely, four – six times a day. The ration your food must include dairy products. Milk, yogurt, yogurt drink up to 0.5 liters per day. Do not forget cheese. Meat and vegetables are needed for the vital force, both you and your child. Eggs and butter should also be included in your daily ration of food.
If during pregnancy you take vitamins – take them further. Drink plenty of fluids, two to three liters a day. The ideal situation would be liquid foods (soups).
Do not eat products such as: honey, citrus fruits, canned products, various pickles and chocolate. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke.

What to Drink, to be Beautiful and Healthy

What to Drink, to be Beautiful and Healthy. What drinks are the most useful. Pomegranate juice, dry red wine, grape juice, fruit Acai, blueberry juice, juicy cherry, orange juice, tea and more.
1. Pomegranate juice. Contains large amounts of vitamins A, C, E, and trace elements – zinc, selenium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium. Very helpful for the cardiovascular system, it is recommended for hypertension, anemia. Constraints – peptic ulcer and hyperacidity.
2. Red wine. Studies have long shown that dry red wine – an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. There is information about the preventive effect on the development of various tumors. Doctors recommend daily half glass at dinner, but not more than 150 grams.
3. Grape juice. It – B-vitamins are useful for hair and nails, ascorbic acid. Also, grape juice helps to maintain a strong memory and supports skin elasticity.
4. Acai Juice. This Brazilian berry contains special plant pigments, moisturizing the skin and prevent its aging. In the Acai fruit is also a lot of fatty acids necessary for normal functioning of the brain and nervous system.
5. Blueberry juice. The people commonly known as Bilberry berry, strengthens eyesight. But that’s not all: blueberries protect against diabetes, prevents gum disease, has a powerful rejuvenating effect.
6. Juicy cherry. Contains vitamin A, iron and vitamin C. It also reduces the risk of many cancers, prevent the emergence of diseases of the urinary tract, helps preserve memory in adulthood.
7. Cranberry juice. In addition to the antipyretic effect, removes from the body toxins, improves the activity of the brain and relieves fatigue. Is also a strong diuretic, without washing out from the body he needs potassium.
8. Orange juice. Excellent tool for the prevention of colds and flu. Also reduces fatigue, boosts brain function and strengthens blood vessels. Useful for hypertension and atherosclerosis. But not suitable for high acidity.
9. Tea. Not only tones but also struggling with heart disease and various infections. The main thing is not sort of tea, but its authenticity and proper fresh tea leaves.
10. Apple juice. Useful for atherosclerosis, liver, bladder and kidneys. Normalizes the bowels, removes toxins from the body and quickly restore power.

How to Choose Your Method for Losing Weight

Weight loss targets and methods are strongly individual. Most of the obese people need to combine different methods for weight loss, in order to achieve success. It won’t be easy. The most important thing is not to lose faith in own motivation for weight loss.
It is however important to know, that the more pounds you need to lose, the faster you lose them in the beginning. Depending on the BMI index, for many patients with obesity traditional calorie controlled diets combined with some weight loss supplement and a healthy exercise program are the recommended approach, whereas people with only a mild overweight could cope only with a healthy eating plan.
Lifestyle is extremely important in the weight loss process. Many of the people, who suffer overweight are in this situation due to stress in everyday life, and as a result they have healthy eating habits, unhealthy diets, they are skipping meals, and they lack physical activity. Then it is not surprising at all, that obesity is becoming a fast growing epidemy of our lifetime. How many people among us can say “yea, I can go to the gym for an hour, and then prepare a healthy meal” – very few.
Here is the moment to consider the usage of weight loss supplements. They are becoming more and more enhanced in the last years, the side effects are very few and in many cases non at all, and most of all, they do the very important work of reducing calories intake, or burning fat, or binding it before it has been absorbed in your body – this is otherwise achieved only with a good, balanced diet and special meals, that many of us unfortunately may not be able to cook themselves due to lack of time.